We're excited to announce that our internet service provider search tool just got even better with three new features that we know you'll love.
1. Broadband data is now integrated and included in our address search
We know that broadband is becoming more and more important, especially for businesses and organizations that require high-speed connections, or are located in rural areas with limited options. That's why we've integrated broadband data into our search tool, so you can easily find out what broadband providers are available in your area.
About FCC Broadband Data
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) builds its National Broadband dataset by collecting data from internet service providers (ISPs) across the United States. ISPs are required by law to report on the broadband services they offer, including the geographic areas they cover, the types of technology used, and the maximum speeds they can deliver.
Any data submitted and published by the FCC will now be on the CarrierFinder search tool by address.
Step 1: Search an address on CarrierFinder
Once an address is searched we'll continue to display useful data such as:
The local Telco
The local CableCo
Carriers with OnNet Fiber or NearNet Fiber
What's new is the ability to "View FCC Broadband Information". This will search the FCC's National Broadband database for the most up to date information at the address you are searching.

Step 2: View FCC Broadband Information
We'll organize Broadband data by type to be quickly viewed, along with clickable links to the carrier websites for ease of additional research.

The nation-wide data set is expansive, but is admittedly incomplete on it's own. By including this dataset in our search tool, in addition to our curated data sources, our you are one step closer to finding all carrier providers in an area, with one search.
2. New user interface to make it easier to prequalify sites with Comcast and Spectrum.
We know that Comcast and Spectrum are two of the most popular internet service providers in the United States. That's why we've redesigned our user interface to make it even easier to prequalify sites with these providers as the CableCo.
Now you can quickly and easily find out if your site is eligible for service from Comcast or Spectrum.
Step 1: Search an address on CarrierFinder

Across the horizontal data panel, keep an eye out for when Comcast or Spectrum is the CableCo. This is where you can run a live prequalification to get real-time carrier information.
Step 2: Run live prequalification
Once our systems finish talking with another, we'll share the results. Our hope is that this provides a greater level of confidence in what options are available at the site.

3. View carriers by zip code
We know that many people want to find internet service providers based on their zip code. That's why we've added a new feature that allows you to view carriers by zip code. Simply enter your zip code and we'll show you a list of internet service providers in your area.
Step 1: Search an address on CarrierFinder

Step 2: View Carries in this ZipCode
See which carriers are found in the zip code. We'll also share how many OnNet or NearNet buildings each carrier has.

Viewing by zip code is a wonderful starting point for identifying not only which carriers are present, but how much market share they have in the area.
More Carrier Data Coming Soon
We are excited to continue improving the power of our carrier search tool and can't wait to announce even more updates and additions in the future. Stay tuned!
Learn more or try it for free on CarrierFinder.

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